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Unputdownable Books

Established back in 2011, Unputdownable Books is my way to help out indie authors by posting reviews of their books, and other marketing posts for blog tours. Of course, I also review other non-indie books just for pleasure. :D
Shimmer - Alyson Noel Descriptive, creative and poetic. 3 words I can use to describe how Shimmer is. Some say Alyson Noel's Immortal series was clique and well nothing new. But with her spin-off of The Immortal series, she has grown as a writer even when the book is barely 200 pages long. I found her recent writing inspiring and simply great.

Riley Bloom continues her afterlife with a vacation from her "work". But this vacation turns into just the opposite from what it really is as she discovers a grounded soul filled with anger and rage from its past life and being her usual self Riley has to stick her nose where she isn't supposed to and in the process gets her friends in a little notch.

As things escalate, I found myself learning about forgiveness and friendship which I did not expect. The plot thickens and the climax was as good as any book and with that it was unputdownable. And simply a perfect read for summer time! (even though its about to end)
